Saturday 2 February 2013

To do List

I always seam to have a list in mind of things I would like to try in the kitchen, however when I find time to bake I tend to do things that are tried and tested so I know I will have an edible finished product rather than trying out new recipes that may be a complete disaster and end up in the bin.

This year I have vowed to not only attempt, but perfect all the items on my cooking to do list, some are recipes that I have never tried before, some are things that have never worked in the past but I'm still determined that I can crack them (the dreaded potatoes dauphinoise being a case in point)

So here's the list, not massive but potentially hazardous!!

Know this is a tricky one because I don't actually like custard, however I think that is because I remember school custard which I am hoping mine will taste nothing like and that this will change my opinion, and if it doesn't I have 3 very eager testers that will be more than happy to give me there opinion on my cooking.

These are 1 of my trouble areas, I have attempted these a few times over the years and never got them to the right texture, some have been so bad that they never made it to a plate, some tasted fine but where more biscuit than cookie, it's the soft centre that alludes me but hopefully not for long.

More precisely a gingerbread house, but as I have never made gingerbread before I think I will try gingerbread men first then try to upscale to a standing structure.

Fresh Pasta
Have wanted to attempt fresh pasta for years but have never pushed myself to do it, I read recently that blogs are best used to help you achieve what you want by writing it down and sharing with others, so I am hoping this is the case and that now it is in black and white it will encourage me to take the plunge.

Potatoes Dauphinoise
This may well be my downfall, have attempted this on several occasions and they are normally inedible, my sauce is fine but no matter how long I cook the potatoes for they are always raw or extreme al dente. But I will persevere till the end of the year, but if at the end of this year they are still 95% disaster I will never attempt them again and will admit they are beyond me ( but with a heavy heart)

So that's my list, I will obviously make lots of other hopefully scrumptious things over the year and will try and blog as many recipes as I can but this is my challenge and I will keep you updated with my success as well as failure.

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